Ques. : html stands for !
Ques. : What is html ?
Ques. : Say/Write the basic/typical structure of html page ?
Ques. : What is the importance of html for a web page ?
Ques. : What is the comment line in html ?
Ques. : What is the Meta tag in html ?
Ques. : Define form in html ?
Ques. : What is html tags ? List any ten html tags.
Ques. : What is heading tag in html ? How many types of heading tags in html ?
Ques. : What is anchor/hyperlink tag in html page ?
Ques. : What is marquee in html page ?
Ques. : What is empty tags in html ?
Ques. : What is xhtml ?
Ques. : Differentiate between html and xhtml ?
Ques. : What is the difference between div tag and span tag in html ?
Ques. : Say/write at least ten important html tags used in your project ?
Ques. : Say/write at least five important html events used in your project ?
Ques. : Define attributes.Say/Write at least five important html attributes ?
Ques. : What is the importance of ‘action’ attribute in html form ?
Ques. : What is the use of ‘enctype’ attribute in html form ?
Ques. : What are the new elements added in the html5 ?