Configuring a Firewall in Linux

Firewalls are critical for securing Linux systems by controlling incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predefined rules. A firewall is a security system that monitors and controls network traffic. Linux firewalls operate at the kernel level using Netfilter, a packet-filtering framework. Firewalls perform filtering i.e., It blocks or allows Read more…


Configuring DNS Server

DNS DNS(Domain Name System) is a hierarchical system used to translate human-readable domain names (e.g., into their respective machine-readable IP addresses (e.g., In other words, a DNS Server resolves domain names into IP addresses and vice versa. Structure/Components of DNS DNS consists of several components:- Zones and Domains: A Read more…


Managing Disk Partitions

Partitioning is essential for organizing disk storage in Linux. It allows us to efficiently allocate space for the operating system, swap, data storage, and other purposes.  Disk Storage and Devices Storage devices in Linux are represented by device files: HDD/SSD: /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, etc. Partitions: /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, etc. Storage types in Read more…


Permission Management

Linux permissions are a fundamental aspect of system security and user management. Basic Linux Permissions Linux employs a three-tiered permission system to control access to files and directories. Each file or directory has three main permission types: Permission Types Read (r): This permission allows viewing the contents of a file Read more…


Linux Architecture and File System

Linux Files and Directory System  Linux OS comes with a well-defined file structure where user files are arranged in a definite directory structure. According to the type of files, the directories are categorized as Binary directories, configuration directories, Data directories, memory directories, USR (Unix System Resources), var(variable directory), and non-standard directories. Read more…


Reference Books & Websites

slno Name of Books Authors Publications 1. Unix Shell Programming Yashwant Kanitkar BPB 2. Linux Networking and Security Nicholas Wells Vikas Publishing, New Delhi 3. Unix – Concepts & Applications Sumitabha Das Tata Mcgraw Hill Publications 4. Unix for Programmers and Users Graham Glass & King Ables Pearson Education, India Read more…


Linux/Unix Commands

Important Key Combination  CTRL+C – To halt the current command. CTRL+D – To save the written file contents, generate an end-of-file character, and log out of the current session, similar to exit. CTRL+G – To resume the flow of long output of the screen stopped by CRTL+S, so that screen Read more…
