Slno. | Name of Books | Author | Publications |
01. | Computer Organization & Architecture | Stallings William | Prentice Hall of India Publication/Pearson Education Asia. |
02. | Computer System Architecture | Mano M. Morris | Prentice Hall of India Publication/Pearson Education Asia. |
03. | Computer Architecture: A Quantitative. Approach | Hennessy/Patterson | Morgan Kaufmann |
04. | Structured Computer Organization | A. Tanenbaum | PHI |
05. | Computer Organization and Design : The Hardware/ Software Interface | D. Patterson and J. Hennessy | |
06. | IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming | Peter Abel | PHI |
07. | Microprocessors and Interfacing – Programming and Hardware | Douglas V. Hall | Tata McGraw Hill |
08. | Micro-computer Systems, the 8086/88 family | Yu-Cheng Liu, A. Gibson | Prentice Hall of India |
09. | Assembly Language for IBM PC | Peter Norton & John Socha | Prentice Hall of India |
10. | Microprocessors and Digital Systems | Douglas V. Hall | Tata McGraw Hill(TMH) |
11. | Assembly Language Programming for the Intel 80xxx family | William B. Giles | Maxwell Macmillan International editions |
12. | Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals | Ray and Bhurchandi | Tata McGraw Hill(TMH) |