
  • Adder is a very good example of Combinational Logic Circuits.


  • An adder is a fundamental component in digital electronics devices and is used to perform arithmetic operations, specifically addition.


  • Adders are found in ALU of CPU.
  • Adders do not have their memory.
  • Their output depends solely on the current inputs.

Types of Adder

(I) Half Adder

  • This adder adds two single-bit binary numbers only(say X and Y).
  • This adder results in two output forms – Sum (S) and Carry-out (Co).

Truth Table:

X Y Sum (S) Carry-out (Co)
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1

Logic Equations:

  • Sum (S) = X ⊕ Y (XOR gate)
  • Carry-out (Co) = X ⋅ Y (AND gate)

Circuit Diagram:

(II) Full Adder

  • This adder adds three single-bit binary numbers (A, B, and Carry-in [Ci]).
  • This adder results two output forms – Sum (S) and Carry-out (Co).

Truth Table:

A B Ci Sum (S) Carry-out (Co)
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1

Logic Equations:

  • Sum (S) = A ⊕ B ⊕ Ci
  • Carry-out (Co) = (A ⋅ B) + (Ci ⋅ (A ⊕ B))

Circuit Diagram:

(III) Ripple Carry Adder

  • This adder is an advance form of Full Adders.
  • This adder adds multi-bit binary numbers by cascading full adders.
  • It consists of N-full adders for N-bit numbers addition.
  • It gives Sum bits and a final Carry-out.
  • The Carry-out value from each full adder is connected to the Carry-in of the next higher-order full adder.
  • Demerits:
    • It shows propagation delay i.e., the time taken for the carry to propagate through all full adders, leading to slower addition as the number of bits increases.

(IV) Look-Ahead Carry Adders

  • Look-ahead carry adders are advanced form of Ripple Carry Adders and other more complex adder architectures can be used to reduce propagation delay.



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