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Computer Network Basics

Ques. : What is the difference between Network and Computer Network?
Ques. : What is Networking?
Ques. : What is Node in a  Computer Network?
Ques. : What is Link in a  Computer Network?
Ques. : What is the difference between internet, intranet and extranet in a computer network?
Ques. : What are the types of communication mode in a Computer Network?
Ques. : What are the main factors that affect the performance of a computer network?
Ques. : What is Bandwidth?
Ques. : What is Network Operating System(NOS)?
Ques. : What is the use of RAID in a computer network?
Ques. : What is Congestion in computer network?
Ques. : What is Multiplexing in computer network?
Ques. : What is localhost(or IP address in computer network?
Ques. : Define Piggybacking?
Ques. : What is Beaconing?
Ques. : What is Tracert?
Ques. : What is Sneakernet?
Ques. : Explain IEEE regarding a computer network.
Ques. : Explain Data Encapsulation regarding a computer network?
Ques. : What is Subnet Mask?
Ques. : What is CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA?
Ques. : What is Analog and Digital Data?
Ques. : What is Analog and Digital Signal?
Ques. : What is Serial and Parallel data transmission?
Ques. : What is Synchronous and Asynchronous data transmission?

Network Commands

Ques. : What is the use of ‘netstat’ command in computer network?
Ques. : What is the use of ‘ping’ command in computer network?
Ques. : What is the use of ‘ipconfig’ command in computer network?
Ques. : What is the use of ‘ifconfig’ command in computer network?

Networking Devices

Ques. : Explain Networking Devices, its use and its type in a  Computer Network.
Ques. :What is Repeater and its use in a  Computer Network?
Ques. :What is Amplifier and its use in a  Computer Network?
Ques. :What is Hub and its use in a  Computer Network?
Ques. :What is Switch and its use in a  Computer Network?
Ques. :What is the difference between Hub and Switch in a  Computer Network and which one is better?
Ques. :What is Bridge and its use in a  Computer Network?
Ques. : What is Brouter?
Ques. :What is NIC Card and its use in a  Computer Network?
Ques. :What is Router and its use in a  Computer Network?
Ques. :What is Gateway and its use in a  Computer Network?
Ques. :What is the difference between Router and Gateway in a  Computer Network?
Ques. :What is Modem and its use in a  Computer Network?
Ques. : What is Default Gateway?


Ques. : Explain Network Topology.
Ques. : Explain the importance of network topology.
Ques. : List the name of Network Topology.
Ques. : Say one advantage and one disadvantage of each network topology.
Ques. : What is Mesh topology?
Ques. : What is Partial Mesh topology?
Ques. : What is Star topology?
Ques. : What is Bus topology?
Ques. : What is Tree topology?
Ques. : What is Ring topology?
Ques. : What is Wired and Wireless Network topology in a  Computer Network?
Ques. : Explain LAN topology and WAN topology in a  Computer Network?
Ques. : What is Cellular topology in a  Computer Network?

Types & Classification of Network

Ques. : What are the types of Computer Network?
Ques. : What is the classification of Computer Network?
Ques. : Differentiate between LAN, MAN and WAN Computer Network?
Ques. : What is PAN Computer Network?
Ques. : What is Unicast, Multicast, Broadcast & Anycast network  in a computer network?
Ques. : What is Ethernet network?
Ques. : What is Hybrid network?
Ques. : What is Client-Server Architecture/Network?

Transmission Medium

Ques. : What is Transmission/Communication Medium in Computer Network?
Ques. : Differentiate between STP and UTP cable.
Ques. : What is Baseband and Broadband data transmission?
Ques. : Explain 5-4-3 rule.
Ques. : What is Connector? Name the connector used in different Cable media.

OSI Model & Standard

Ques. : What is ‘Standard’ in a Computer Network?
Ques. : What is Reference Model and its use in a  Computer Network?
Ques. : What is OSI Reference Model?
Ques. : List the name of OSI layers?
Ques. : Explain the main function of each layer of OSI Reference Model.


Ques. : What is ‘Protocol’ in a Computer Network?
Ques. : What is TCP/IP Model in a Computer Network?
Ques. : List the name of layers of TCP/IP Model in a Computer Network?
Ques. : List important protocols from each layer of TCP/IP Model.
Ques. : What do you understand about http and https protocol in a Computer Network?
Ques. : Differentiate between TCP and UDP protocol.
Ques. : Differentiate between TCP and IP protocol.
Ques. : Differentiate between ARP and RARP protocol.
Ques. : Differentiate the meaning of Connection Oriented and Connectionless Services in a computer network.
Ques. : Differentiate the Connection Oriented and Connectionless protocols in a computer network.
Ques. : What is PPP protocol?
Ques. : What is SLIP protocol?
Ques. : What is FTP protocol?
Ques. : What is anonymous FTP protocol?
Ques. : What is DNS Protocol?
Ques. : What is DHCP Protocol?
Ques. : What is SNMP & SGMP Protocol?
Ques. : What is SMTP, POP3 and IAMP Protocol?
Ques. : What is RIP Protocol?

Computer & Network Security

Ques. : What is Computer Security?
Ques. : What is Network Security?
Ques. : What is Firewall?
Ques. : What is the role of Firewall in Network Security?
Ques. : What are the types of Firewall?
Ques. : What is the difference between Firewall and Antivirus?
Ques. : What is Proxy Server? What is its function in a network security?
Ques. : What is VPN? How does it provide security to a computer network?
Ques. : What is Encryption & Decryption in a computer network?

IP Classes

Ques. : What is Classes of Network?
Ques. : What is IP Address?
Ques. : Define IPv4 and IPv6.
Ques. : What is Flat IP Address?
Ques. : What is Private IP Address?
Ques. : What is Public IP Address?
Ques. : What is Static IP Address?
Ques. : What is Dynamic IP Address?
Ques. : What is MAC/Physical Address?
Ques. : What is Logical Address?


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