There are several topics of difference between computer fundamentals are described below –

Difference Between Computer Hardware and Software

Slno. Hardware Software
1. It is physical parts of the computer It is set of instructions given to the computer systematically.
2. We can touch, see and feel hardware of a computer/laptop. We cannot touch and feel software present in a computer/laptop.
3. Hardware is made up of physical materials or components. Software is developed by writing instructions/codes in English letters normally using certain programming language with proper rules and syntax by the programmer.
4. They are considered as the body of the human beings. They are considered as soul of the human body.
5. It runs under the control of a suitable software. It also runs under the control of a suitable higher software.
6. It is not affected by computer viruses. It is affected by computer viruses/malware seriously.
7. Damaged hardware is being repaired/replaced by new or correct old one. Damaged or corrupted software is recovered by its backup copy or by re-installing again.
8. It consists of input devices, output devices, storage/memory devices, and powerful processing elements mainly. It consists of different types of specific software such as System software,  Application software, Programming language software, Utility software, Device Driver software etc .
9. It can’t be transferred easily from one place to another. It can be transferred easily from one place to another.
10. We cannot make new duplicate copy of it by copying. We can make new duplicate copy easily by copying.
11. Hardware components wears out as time passes and finally destroyed. Software components never wears out as time passes rather it remains as usual but becomes outdated only.
12. Hardware are comparatively slowly upgraded. Software are fastly upgraded.
13. It is manufactured. It is developed and engineered.
14. It is weighted/heavy. It is weightless/light.
15. Examples are : Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, Printer, CPU, Hard disk, RAM, ROM, Pen drive, Speakers, UPS etc. Examples are : Ms Office, Photoshop, Tally, Antivirus, Operating Systems, Translators, Device Drivers, Games software etc.


Difference Between Interpreter and Compiler

Slno. Interpreter Compiler
1. Translates/scans code line by line i.e. one statement/line of code at a time. Scans the entire program and translates it as a whole into machine code at a time.
2. It takes less amount of time to analyze the codes but the overall execution time is slower. It takes a large amount of time to analyze the source code but the overall execution time is comparatively faster.

Displays error of each line, one by one.

Display all errors after compilation, all at the same time.

4. No intermediate object code is generated, hence are memory efficient. Generates intermediate object code(.obj file) which further requires linking to create a .exe file to run the program, hence requiring more memory.

Continues translating the program until the first error is met, and then pauses so debugging is easy. Here the interpreter reads a single statement and shows the error if any. Therefore, we must correct the error to interpret next line.

It generates all the error messages only after scanning the whole program at a time and hence debugging is comparatively tough. Therefore, we can’t run the program without fixing all the errors.

6. It is best suited for the program and development environment. It is best suited for the Production Environment.
7. Interpreters see code line by line, and thus optimizations are not as robust as compilers. The compiler sees the entire code upfront. Hence, they perform lots of optimizations that make code run faster.
8. The interpreter exists in the memory during interpretation. Target programs execute independently hence do not require to exists the compiler in the memory.
9. Interpreted code runs slower. Compiled code run faster.
10. Not saving machine code at all. Stores machine language as machine code on the disk of compiling code.
11. Interpreters are easier to use, especially for beginners. Compilers are little difficult to use for beginners.
12. Interpretation (Compilation) and execution  of the program takes place simultaneously. The compilation is done before execution of the program.
13. Error detection is easier comparatively. Error detection is difficult.
14. Examples are : Basic, Python, Ruby, Php, Perl etc. Examples are : C, C++, C#, Java etc.

There are several topics of difference between computer fundamentals are described above –

There are several topics of difference between computer fundamentals are described above –



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