Example : How to Export Oracle 10g/11g Database file or How to create dump(.dmp) file in Oracle10g/11g .
- Open MS-DOS in Administrator mode (Right click on start button -
click on command prompt admin).
- Type 'exp system/raj FILE=backup1.dmp' on DOS or C-prompt -
(Press Enter).
NB :
(i) Here 'exp' is command name for export,'system' is user/schema
name and 'raj' is password for that user from where we want
to export the file.'backup1.dmp' is the name of saving dump
file we want to create.
(ii) Backup1 Dump file is by default created at place (User's
Folder - AppData (normally hidden and display when unhide the
hidden files/folders) - Local - VirtualStore - backup1.dmp)
Example : How to Export selected tables in Oracle10g/11g Database file as dump(.dmp) file.
- Open MS-DOS in Administrator mode.
- Type 'exp system/raj tables=employee,salary,attendance
file=backup1.dmp (Press Enter).
Example : How to Import dump(.dmp) file into Oracle 10g/11g.
- Open MS-DOS in Administrator mode.
- Type 'imp system/raj FILE=F:\backup1.dmp full=Y' on dos/c-prompt - (Press Enter).
NB :
Here 'imp' is command name,'system' is user name and 'raj' is
password where we want to import.'F:\backup1.dmp' is the dump
file path from where we want to import.