Introduction of Routing in AJS

  • The concept of Routing in AJS is done using ngRoute module helps us to navigate to different pages in our application, but remaining with SPA (Single Page Application), with no more page reloading.


  • Routing in AngularJS is a crucial feature that allows developers to create single-page applications (SPAs) with multiple views without requiring a full page reload.
  • AngularJS routing provides a powerful way to manage navigation within single-page applications, allowing for a seamless user experience. By leveraging the $routeProvider service and the ngView directive, developers can define routes, load views, and control application state effectively.


  • AngularJS provides a routing mechanism using the $routeProvider service, which is part of the ngRoute module. The ngRoute module helps in navigating the application to different pages (when required) without reloading the entire application called Routing i.e. it helps our application to become a ‘Single-Page Application(SPA)’.
  • For Routing in Angular JS –
    • ngRoute Module: This module provides routing and deep linking services and directives for AngularJS applications.
    • $routeProvider Service: Configures routes and maps URLs to specific views and controllers.
    • ngView Directive: The directive used to display the view in the specified layout.


  • The AngularJS Route module (ngRoute) is must added as a dependency in the array parameter of a module for routing (such as  … [“ngRoute”]).
  • The AngularJS library is also required for routing applications –
<script src=””></script>
  • $routeProvider :
    • It is used to configure different required routes using different methods in the application.
    • with this, $routeProvider we can define what page to display when a user clicks a link.
    • The config method of routeProvider is used to perform activities when the application is loading.
    • The when method of  $routeProvider is used as a conditional statement and otherwise the method as a default switch case.
    • With the $routeProvider we can also define a controller for each “view” in the application as needed.
  • Define the controllers for each route

app.controller(‘HomeController’, function($scope) { $scope.message = ‘Welcome to the Home Page!’; });

app.controller(‘AboutController’, function($scope) { $scope.message = ‘Learn more About Us!’; });

app.controller(‘ContactController’, function($scope) { $scope.message = ‘Contact Us here!’; });

  • Also, ng-view directive is used as a container to store/put the output content provided by the routing, in three ways – <div ng-view></div>, <ng-view></ng-view> and <div class=”ng-view”></div>, but an application can only have one ng-view directive, and this will be the placeholder for all views provided during the routing.


  • Routing makes the application faster by loading the minimum number of pages.

Routing Program Examples


Categories: AJS


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