Introduction of Animations in AJS

  • Animations in AJS can breathe life into our web application by adding fluidity and visual appeal to various components.
  • AngularJS animations are defined using CSS classes and JavaScript code.
  • We can define animations in AJS for different states of our application, such as when elements enter, leave, or move within the DOM.


  • AngularJS provides different types of animation effects in the form of transitions, with the help of CSS but supported by several AJS class directives.


    • To set an animation effect in an AJS application, we must include the AngularJS Animate library:-
    • we must also refer to the ngAnimate module in our application (in two ways (i) such as <body ng-app=”ngAnimate”>, not with other app names) or (ii) when the application has a name, add ngAnimate as a dependency in the array box in the application module( such as … [‘ngAnimate’]), – the most common way.


      • The ngAnimate module is used to add and remove the directives classes of AJS.
      • The ngAnimate module does not animate the HTML elements rather animation effect is generated with the help of CSS.
      • The common directives classes in AngularJS that can be added/removed as per requirements in animation programs are:-
        • ng-show
        • ng-hide
        • ng-class
        • ng-view
        • ng-include
        • ng-repeat
        • ng-if
        • ng-switch
        • ng-enter
        • ng-leave


      • In an animation effect, there is a transformation of an HTML element which makes the presentation better and attractive through an illusion of motion.
      • AngularJS animations offer much more flexibility and can be customized extensively based on our application’s needs.

      AJS Animations Program Examples

      Example: An AJS animation program to hide the red-colored Division section in different transition forms on clicking a Check Box.
      <!DOCTYPE html>
               transition: all linear 0.5s;
               background-color: rgb(241, 5, 56);
               height: 100px;
               width: 100%;
               position: relative;
               top: 0;
               left: 0;
               height: 0;
               width: 0;
               /* background-color: green; */
               background-color: transparent;
               left: 200px;
         <script src=""></script>
         <script src=""></script>
         <body ng-app="app1">
            <h1>Click to Hide the Division Section : <input type="checkbox" ng-model="checkBox1"></h1>
            <div ng-hide="checkBox1"></div>
               var app = angular.module('app1', ['ngAnimate']);
      ---------------------  OR  ----------------------
      <!DOCTYPE html>
               transition: all linear 0.5s;
               background-color: red;
               height: 100px;
               height: 0;
         <script src=""></script>
         <script src=""></script>
         <body ng-app="app1">
            <h1>Click to Hide the Division Section : <input type="checkbox" ng-model="checkBox1"></h1>
            <div ng-hide="checkBox1"></div>
               var app = angular.module('app1', ['ngAnimate']);
      Example: An AJS animation program to fade – in and out the Statement on clicking a Button.
      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <html ng-app="app1">
            <title>AngularJS Animations Examples</title>
            <script src=""></script>
            <script src=""></script>
                  transition: opacity 0.5s;
                  opacity: 0;
                  opacity: 1;
               angular.module('app1', ['ngAnimate'])
                  .controller('Controller1', function($scope) 
                     $scope.showElement = true;
                     $scope.showHide = function() 
                        $scope.showElement = !$scope.showElement;
         <body ng-controller="Controller1">
            <button ng-click="showHide()">Show/Hide Button</button>
            <div class="fade-in-out" ng-if="showElement">
               <h3>AJS Animation Program Examples to fades in and out</h3>


      Categories: AJS


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