  • The computing platform is a combination of the operating system (OS) framework, the physical hardware architecture/devices, or the virtual environment of the computer where the software installation and execution occurs.
  • In most cases, mainly an operating system is considered/dominated as a computer platform.
Cross Platforms/Multiplatform (Computer Science)
  • Cross-platform is the ability of computer products/software applications/programming languages to operate/run on multiple operating systems (OS) or hardware platforms//devices with little or no modification. For example, a cross-platform program can run on Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, or iOS using the same codebase.
  • Cross-platform app development refers to creating applications that run seamlessly on multiple operating systems and devices. Unlike traditional native apps, cross-platform apps are built using frameworks like React Native, Flutter, or Xamarin.
  • A cross-platform programming language is a programming language that enables developers to develop apps for various platforms using a single codebase. These apps can run seamlessly on multiple platforms without significant changes.
  • For example – Python is cross-platform, meaning a Python program developed on Mac OS X, can likely also run on Windows or Linux without any change to the code. In other words, Python’s cross-platform compatibility ensures that code written in Python can run on different operating systems with minimal modifications.
  • Here, are the top common 8 programming languages that are best suited for developing native cross-platform applications, highlighting their key features and benefits. These are –
    • JavaScript
    • Dart
    • C# 
    • Kotlin
    • Swift
    • Python
    • Ruby
    • Java
    Full Stack Development
    • Full stack development is the process of developing both the front-end (user-facing component contains the user interface and code related to user interactions with the application) and the back-end (database and logic component) of applications.
    • In other words, a full-stack developer helps to build and maintain a website’s front-end and back-end
    • A full-stack developer is a developer or engineer who can build both the front end and the back end of a website. A full-stack web developer is a person who can develop both client and server software.
    • There are three different types of software developers hence a full-stack web development process comprises three layers –
      • Front End Tools/Presentation Layer:
        • A front-end is part of a website/application that’s exposed to the end user.
        • A user interacts with the front-end part and consumes the service.
        • For example – Ruby, PHP, Python/Django, Node.js, .NET, etc
      • Back-End Logic Tools/Business Layer:
        • The back end is the part that is hidden from the users.
        • It can live on the web browser, cache manager, and on the server.
        • For example – Ruby, PHP, Python/Django, Node.js, .NET, etc
      • Back-End Database Tools/Database Layer
        • The back end is the part that is hidden from the users.
        • Finally, we have the database layer where everything is stored. Whenever the user requests anything, the required information is retrieved from the database. When the information is created, the essential part gets stored in the database.
        • For example – MySQL, MongoDB, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SqlServer, etc
    • Full-stack development can also help create more cohesive and user-friendly websites and applications.
    • By having a deep understanding of both the front-end and back-end development process, full-stack developers can create a more unified user experience that can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty
    • Python can be used as a full stack development because Python supports in Both, front-end and back-end development. 
    • The benefits of hiring a full-stack developer/engineer are –
      • Easy Management
      • Delegate Everything Technical
      • Make the Team Flexible
      • Cost-Effectiveness
    • Types of Full Stack Developer

    [A] There are different types of full-stack developers based on the specific group technology of stack :-

      • MEAN Stack : Here, MEAN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, and Node.js. All four frameworks are JavaScript-based. Together, they can create a full-fledged website/web app. 
      • MERN Stack : Here, MERN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js. 
      • LAMP Stack : LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. It’s commonly used by web developers because this software stack was among the first to appear and also because it’s quite simple and reliable.
      • LEMP Stack : LEMP stands for Linux, NGINX, MySQL, and PHP. 

    [B] There are different types of full-stack developers based on one core-specific Language technology of the stack :-

      • Full-Stack Elixir : Elixir is a programming language suitable for both the front-end and back-end.
      • Full-Stack Python : Python comprises various libraries suitable for the front-end and back-end. Most often, Python is completed with MongoDB and MySQL for database building.
      • Full-Stack Django : Django is one of the many Python libraries and can be deployed for both front- and back-end. Python developers.
      • Full-Stack Java : Java-based full-stack approach to software development.
      • Full-Stack Ruby on Rails : Ruby on Rails is a robust web development framework suitable for both front-end and back-end tasks.


    Categories: Python Theory


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