• Java AWT GUI is part of the Java SE (Standard Edition) platform and is available in the java.awt package.
  • In other words, Java AWT GUI is part of the Java Foundation Classes (JFC).
  • In Java, AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) is one of the core libraries for creating Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs).
  • AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) is a graphical user interface (GUI) toolkit included in the Java programming language.
  • AWT provides a set of classes and methods to create windows, buttons, text fields, labels, and other GUI components.
  • In Java, AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) is a set of classes and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that allows us to create graphical user interfaces (GUI) for Java applications.
  • AWT provides a collection of GUI components such as buttons, labels, text fields, etc., along with various layout managers to arrange and organize these components on a window to develop GUI applications.
  • AWT provides more components, layout managers, and event-handling mechanisms to create sophisticated graphical interfaces.
  • AWT is an older/earliest GUI library and frameworks, and Swing (part of the Java Foundation Classes, or JFC) and JavaFX are more commonly used for GUI development in Java.
  • AWT components are heavyweight, i.e., they rely on the underlying platform’s windowing system for rendering. Here are some of the commonly used AWT classes and components:-
    • Frame: The Frame class represents a top-level window with a title bar and borders.
    • Panel: The Panel class is a container that can hold and organize other components.
    • Label: The Label class is used to display a short text message.
    • Dialog: This represents a dialog box or a pop-up window.
    • Button: The Button class represents a push button.
    • TextField: The TextField class is an input component for single-line text input.
    • TextArea: The TextArea class is an input component for multiline text input.
    • Checkbox: The Checkbox class represents a checkbox component.
    • CheckboxGroup: The CheckboxGroup class is used to group multiple checkboxes together.
    • RadioButton: The RadioButton class represents a radio button component.
    • Choice: The Choice class is a drop-down menu for selecting one item from a list.
    • List: The List class represents a scrollable list of items.
    • Menu: Represents a menu bar or a pull-down menu.
    • MenuItem: Represents an individual item in a menu.
    • MenuBar: This represents a horizontal menu bar.
    • MenuBar, Menu, MenuItem: These classes are used to create menus and menu items in a GUI.
    • Panel: A container for grouping and arranging components.
    • Layout: A set of rules for positioning and sizing components within a container.
    • Event: Represents an event triggered by user actions, such as button clicks or mouse events.


Categories: Java


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