A list of popular Reference Books and Websites in C++ is described below
Reference Books in C++
Slno. | Name of Books | Author | Publications |
01. | The C++ Programming Language | B. Stroustrup | Pearson/Addison-wesley Publication,1997. |
02. | Mastering C++ | K. R. Venu Gopal, Raj Kumar Buyya, T Ravishankar | Tata-McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi. |
03. | Object Oriented Programming with C++ | E. Balagurusamy | Tata Mc-Graw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi. |
04. | Object Oriented Programming in C++ | N. Barkakati | Prentice-Hall of India(PHI) |
05. | C++: The Complete Reference | Herbert Schildt | Mc Graw Hill |
06. | C++ Programming Today | Johbston Barbara Johnston | PHI |
07. | The C++ Programming Language | Bjarne Stroustrup | Addison-Wesley |
08. | Object-Oriented Modeling and Design | Rumbaugh J., Blaha M., Premerlani W., Eddy F., and Lorensen W. | Prentice-Hall, 1991. |
09. | Object Oriented Programming with C++ | Er V. K. Jain | Cyber Tech Publication, Daryaganj N Delhi-110002 |
10. | Object Oriented Programming in C++ | Robert Lafore | Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd. Daryaganj N Delhi-11002 |
11. | Object Oriented Programming in C++ | Rajesh K Shukla | Wiley India Publishing Pvt. Ltd. Daryaganj, N delhi-110002 |
12. | Programming with C++ | D Ravichandran | Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi – 110008 |
13. | Basics of C++ Programming, Special Edition | Bjarne AT&T Labs Murray Hill, New Jersey Stroustrup | Addison-Wesley Professional |
14. | C++: How to Program | P. Deitel and H. Deitel | PHI |
15. | Programming – Principles and Practices using C++ | B. Strousstrup | Addison Wesley |
Reference Websites of C++
- www.sciencedirect.com
- www.ieee.org
- www.webpedia.com
- www.microsoft.com
- www.freetechbooks.com
- www.computer basics.com
- www.youtube.com
- www.sciencedirect.com
- www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial
- http://www.bogotobogo.com/cplusplus
- http://www.gamespp.com/c/introductionToCppMetrowerksLesson11.html
A list of popular Reference Books and Websites in C++ is described above