Token Bus/IEEE 802.4

Introduction Token bus was standardized by IEEE standard 802.4. Definition Token bus is a LAN network protocol that implemens a Token Ring protocol over a virtual ring on a coaxial cable(ethernet). Features The token bus is a distributed processing system.  Here, each node must know the address of its neighbour in Read more…


Reference Books & Websites

slno Name of Books Authors Publications 1. Unix Shell Programming Yashwant Kanitkar BPB 2. Linux Networking and Security Nicholas Wells Vikas Publishing, New Delhi 3. Unix – Concepts & Applications Sumitabha Das Tata Mcgraw Hill Publications 4. Unix for Programmers and Users Graham Glass & King Ables Pearson Education, India Read more…


Terminology & Miscellaneous

Web Page/Page Multimedia documents(a document contains information in the form of text, image, audio, animation, video etc) when formatted and annotated with the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) which mainly includes hypertext, hypermedia etc. are called web page. Typically, Web Pages are named or identified using URLs (Uniform Resource Locators). Web Read more…
