Example : How do I open and execute C and C++ programs?
Step1:Download and then Install anyone C/C++ applications(say here 'Dev-C++  5.11')successfully.
Step2: Open Dev-C++ 5.11 application by simply double click on it.
Step3: Now, write a C/C++ program and save it as certain name with .c/.cpp extension(say here Program1.c/Program1.cpp).
Step4: Now, Compile the created program by pressing F9 button or clicking 'Execute' menu - click 'Compile ' option. If any errors are present, remove it and save the program again.
Step5: After successful compilation, we run it finally to get required output by simply pressing F10 button or clicking 'Execute' menu - 'Run' option - Output appears on the new screen.
------------------- OR --------------------
At the place of Step4 and Step5, we can also press F11 button or click 'Execute' menu - 'Compile & Run' option - it compiles the program first and if no error arise then runs and gives the required
Example : How to Set/Configure, Open, and Execute Different Programming Languages in Visual Studio Code IDE?

(I) To Set/Configure, Open, and Execute C/C++ Programs in Visual Studio Code IDE in Windows 10/11 OS.

Link to configure C/C++ to run in VS Code

(II) To Set/Configure, Open, and Execute Python Programs in Visual Studio Code IDE in Windows 10/11 OS.

Link1 to configure Simple Python to run in VS Code
Link2 to configure Advance Python to run in VS Code

(III) To Set/Configure, Open, and Execute Java Programs in Visual Studio Code IDE in Windows 10/11 OS.

Link to configure Java to run in VS Code

(IV) To Set/Configure, Open, and Execute C# Programs in Visual Studio Code IDE in Windows 10/11 OS.

Link to configure C# to run in VS Code

(V)To Set/Configure, Open, and Execute HTML, CSS, and Java Script programs in Visual Studio Code IDE in Windows 10/11 OS.

Link1 to configure HTML, CSS, and JS to run in VS Code

(VI) To Set/Configure, Open, and Execute PHP programs in Visual Studio Code IDE in Windows 10/11 OS.

Link to configure Php to run in VS code

Example : How do I use and open the Xampp Server using the browser?

- open 'Xampp Contrl Panel' - Click start button for both 'Apache and MySql' - Minimize 'Xampp Contrl Panel' window - Open 'Chrome Browser' - Type ' localhost/dashboard/' to open xampp server dashboard.


- open 'Xampp Contrl Panel' - Click start button for both 'Apache and MySql' - Minimize 'Xampp Contrl Panel' window - Open 'Chrome Browser' - Type ' localhost/phpmyadmin/' to open xampp server MySql.
Example : List of Best Online Cloud Compilers, Debuggers, and Editors for Programming Language for running the programs.

Link1 : GDB – Online/Cloud IDE Compiler for Multiple Programming Languages.

Link2 : MyCompiler – Online/Cloud IDE Compiler for Multiple Programming Languages.

Link3 : JDoodle – Online/Cloud IDE Compiler for Multiple Programming Languages.

Link4 : Paiza.IO – Online/Cloud IDE Compiler for Multiple Programming Languages.

Link5 : DotNetFiddle – Online/Cloud IDE Compiler for VB .NET/C#/F# Programming Languages.

Link6 : GitHub Visual Basic Online – Online/Cloud IDE Compiler for VB .NET Programming Languages.



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