Table of Contents
Ques. : How to type multiple lines of sentences/characters on multiple pages quickly or simultaneously.
- Open MS-word.
- Type =rand(20,6) and press Enter. (here rand is random function where 20 is 20
paragraphs contents and 6 is 6 lines of sentences in each paragraph)
- Multiple page of contents are created automatically.
Ques. : How to create a table quickly in MS Word.
- open ms-word.
- Type '+-------+--------+------+' in an open ms-word page.
- Press Enter.
- A table of 1 row and 3 columns created automatically.
NB : Here + symbol creates columns must followed by --- symbols. Starting and Ending point must contain + symbol.By pressing tab button multiple times more rows can be created.
Ques. : How to see the contents of the MS Office file without opening it.
- Open the folder containing ms-office files
- Press Alt+P in the folder
- click an ms-office file,contents appeared automatically
Ques. : How to convert Handwritten/Image/Paper text to editable MS-word text without software.
- Scan/take photo of paper/written text.
- upload that file in google drive.
- after complete upload, right click on that file.
- open with.
- google docs.
- file opens in MS-word form also (bottom side) [along with image form , up side].
- Copy-paste/download word file.
- use it as you want.
- Use this online site to convert =
- Convert image file into PDF file.
- Open MS-Word - File menu - Open - select that file - open - ok- file opened in MS- word form.
Ques. : How to convert an Image’s contents to Editable MS Word Text without any software.
MS-Word Shortcut Keys
To select all the contents | CTRL+A |
To bold the selected contents | CTRL+B |
To copy the selected contents | CTRL+C |
To open the font dialog box | CTRL+D |
To center the contents on the page | CTRL+E |
To find the contents | CTRL+F |
To go to the contents | CTRL+G |
To replace the selected contents | CTRL+H |
To italic the selected contents | CTRL+I |
To justify the selected contents | CTRL+J |
To make the hyperlink of the selected content | CTRL+K |
To make the selected contents aligned Left | CTRL+L |
CTRL+M | |
To create a new file | CTRL+N |
To open the saved file | CTRL+O |
To print the current open contents | CTRL+P |
CTRL+Q | |
To right align the selected contents | CTRL+R |
To save the current open contents | CTRL+S |
CTRL+T | |
To underline the selected text | CTRL+U |
To paste the copied contents at the cursor position | CTRL+V |
CTRL+W | |
To cut the selected contents | CTRL+X |
To redo the operations | CTRL+Y |
To undo the operations | CTRL+Z |
To open the help menu for ms-word | F1 |
To rename the Word file | F2 |
F3 | |
F4 | |
To refresh the document | F5 |
F6 | |
To check spelling and errors | F7 |
F8 | |
F9 | |
To activate the menu of the active document menu bar | F10 |
F11 | |
To open the ‘save as’ dialog box to save the document | F12 |
To close the active document | ALT+F4 |
To change the selected text into small/capital/sentence case letters | Shift+F3 |
To generate a shortcut menu for selected text | Shift+F10 |