Operator Overloading Examples

Example : Operator Overloading Examples in VB .Net program to show Binary Addition(+) Operator Overloading. Class Example Dim num1 As IntegerDim num2 As Integer Sub Input(ByVal val1 As Integer, ByVal val2 As Integer)     num1 = val1     num2 = …


Interface Examples

Example : Interface Examples in VB .Net program to demonstrate the Interface.  Example : Interface Examples in VB .Net program to demonstrate Multiple Inheritance using an Interface. 


Procedure/Function in VB .Net

Definition of Procedure In VB.NET, a Procedure is a block of reusable code that performs a specific task. Exit Statements in Procedure The term Exit Sub or Exit Function is used to terminate the execution of program prematurely/forcibly. Types of …


Polymorphism Examples

Example :  Polymorphism examples in VB .NET program in Subroutine to use Function/Method Overriding using Polymorphism in Console Application. Example : Polymorphism examples in VB .NET program in to display Abstract Class & Method using Polymorphism in Console Application.



Definition of Namespace In VB.NET, a namespace is a container that holds or is the vast collection of a set of related objects, such as classes, interfaces, structures, enumerations, and other namespaces. Features of Namespace Each namespace contains various classes, …


Cyber Laws and IT Act

Introduction of Cyber Laws and IT Act Cyber laws, also known as Cybercrime laws or internet laws. Cyber laws and IT Act is one of the major components of Cyber Security. Definition of Cyber Laws and IT Act Cyber laws are …


Splash Screen … (Examples)

Example : How to create a Splash Screen for an Android App/Activity using XML and Android Java. AndroidManifests.xml file —————————— [Set .SplashScreenActivity.xml file as Top in Activity tag with — contents] activity_splash_screen.xml —————————— SplashScreenActivity.java —————————— package com.rkm.myapplication; import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity; import …


Misc Basic Codes (Examples)

Example : How to Create a New Project/Android Apps First Time in Android Studio(version Koala 2024.1.1)? Open a well set and properly configured Android Studio – Choose ‘Projects’ – Choose ‘New Project’ – Choose ‘Phone and Tablet’ templates – Choose …


Menu Design (Examples)

Example : How to create an Options Menu (Three Vertical Dot) in an Android App using XML and Android Java. NB: First of all, right click on res folder – New – Android resource directory – select menu from resource …
