Reference Books and Websites in Java

 Reference Books and Websites in Java  Some common Reference Books and Websites in Java are given below as follows : – Reference Books Slno. Name of Books Author Publications 01.  Let us Java Yashwant kanetkar 02. Programming with Java E.Balgurusamy …


Java Terminology

Java Terminology includes the following common terms – API(Application Program Interface) An application programming interface (API), in the context of Java, is a collection of pre-written packages, classes, and interfaces with their respective methods, fields, and constructors. An application program interface …


Difference Between in Java

 List of Difference Between in Java             Difference between Java Application and Applets Slno. Java Application  Applets 01. Java Applications are stand-alone programs i.e. this program can run on a single system at a time normally. …


JDBC Connectivity

Introduction of JDBC Connectivity JDBC(Java Database Connectivity)is part of the Java Standard Edition platform, from Oracle Corporation. The stable release of JDBC is  JDBC 4.3 / September 21, 2017 The current developer of JDBC is Oracle Corporation. The JDBC API was modeled …


File Handling in Java

File handling in Java refers to the process of working or performing different types of operations with files and directories using Java programming language. File handling operations allow for the creation, reading, writing, deleting, modifying, renaming, copying, and performing other …


Input and Output in Java

Introduction of Input and Output in Java Java has provided several APIs (also called Java Input and Output(I/O)) to read and write files since its initial releases. With subsequent releases, Java I/O has been improved, simplified, and enhanced to support …


Exception Handling in Java

Introduction of Exception Handling in Java An exception handling in Java is a condition that causes a problem, which stops program execution suddenly and abnormally, from continuation from the point of occurrence of it. Definition of Exception Handling in Java Exceptions …


Multi-threading in Java

Introduction of Multi-threading in Java Multi-threading in Java is also sometimes called Thread-based Multitasking. Definition Multi-threading is a process of executing more than one thread concurrently/simultaneously of the same process to complete it effectively at the micro level. Features/Characteristics of …


Package in Java

Definition of Package in Java A package in Java is a collection of similar types of related sub-packages, classes, interfaces, enumerations, annotations, etc. in separate bundles that provide easy access, security, protection, and namespace (storage place) management. Features/Characteristics  It behaves …


Inheritance in Java

Introduction of Inheritance in Java Inheritance in Java is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming that facilitates the creation of a hierarchy of classes, promoting code reuse and enabling the creation of more specialized classes based on existing ones. Definition …
