User and Group Management in Linux

Users and their Types  (A.) Users and their Types in Linux Understanding user types and their roles is critical for securing and managing a Linux system effectively. In Linux, users represent accounts that can log into and perform operations on …


Function in Python(Examples)

Example : A function program in Python is used to show the Default Argument/Parameter. Example : A user-defined function(UDF) program in Python is used to show the addition result of two user-accepted values. Example : A UDF program in Python to show the …


Function in Python

Definition of Function in Python A function is a block of reusable code that performs a specific task.  Functions are essential for writing efficient, modular, and maintainable Python code. They make programs more structured, easier to debug, and reusable, which …



CyberSpace/CyberWorld The “cyber world,” is often used interchangeably with “cyberspace”. Cyberspace has become a fundamental part of modern life, transforming how we communicate, conduct business, access information, and perform daily activities. Cyberspace is the virtual environment created by interconnected digital …


Linux Architecture and File System

Linux Files and Directory System  Linux OS comes with a well-defined file structure where user files are arranged in a definite directory structure. According to the type of files, the directories are categorized as Binary directories, configuration directories, Data directories, memory …


Array in Python

Definition In Python, arrays are collections that store multiple items of the same/different data type depending on the array type used in Python.  Features Unlike C or Java, Python has no built-in array data type. Instead, Python provides alternatives like lists …


Control Flow Statements in Python

Link for Control Flow Statements Programs in Python Control flow statements in Python allow us to manage the order in which our code is executed. Types of Control Flow Statements in Python They are of three types – Decision/Conditional Statements …


Operators in Python

In Python, operators are special symbols or keywords that perform operations on variables or values. They are used to carry out tasks like arithmetic calculations, comparisons, logical operations, and more. Types of Operators in Python Python provides a rich set …


Variables and Datatypes in Python

Variables in Python A variable is a container that reserves memory to hold values of a specific data type. The value in a variable may change during the life of the program-hence the name “variable”. Variable names in Python are case-sensitive …
