Fundamental of Data Structure

Click Here for Dynamic Memory Allocation/De-allocation Methods Click Here for Difference between Malloc() and Calloc() Introduction of Fundamental of Data Structure Data structures are used in almost every program/software system. It is a data storage format to store different types of computer data differently. Both data structure and algorithm work Read more…


Reference Books in DS

The popular Reference Books in DS(Data Structure) are : Slno. Book Names Publications Author/Writer 1. C & Data Structures S. Chand Publications N.B. Venkateswarlu & E.V. Prasad 2. Data Structures using C Oxford Publications Reema Thareja 3. Data Structures in C — Noel Kalicharan 4. Data Structures using C — Read more…


Miscellaneous Topics in DS

Miscellaneous Topics in DS or Data Structure Terminology Abstract Data Type(ADT) Abstract Data Types are a fundamental concept in computer science that allows developers to think about data structures at a high level, focusing on what they can do rather than how they are implemented. This abstraction is crucial for Read more…



Sorting Introduction of Sorting It puts items in a list into a specific order for further use. Definition of Sorting Sorting is the process/technique of re-arrangement of data items (stored inside the memory) in some specific order(such as either in ascending order or in descending order or in alphabetical order or Read more…


Graph Data Structure

Introduction A graph data structure is a mathematical structure but is also used in Computer Science, Physics and Chemistry, Linguistics, Biology, etc. Definition of Graph A graph is a common, complex, non-linear, cyclic, scattered, or non-contiguous, data structure that consists of a finite set of nodes (or vertices) and a set of edges connecting Read more…



Introduction of Tree Tree is also known as General Tree. Terminology Root: Nodes that have no parent is called Root Node. They are at the top position in the tree. Parent Node : Nodes that are represented at the tail of an arrow is called Parent Node. Child Node : Read more…



Introduction Like Linked list and Stack, Queue is also an Abstract data structure. Queue is normally created or used when things don’t have to be processed immediately. A queue is considered as an Ordered list. Definition A queue is another special kind of linear & non-contiguous data structure, where new Read more…
