Input Units

Introduction of Input Units Input Units is also known as Input System. The computer will be of no use if it is not communicating with the external world. Thus, a computer must have a system to receive information from the outside world and must be able to communicate results to Read more…


Generations of Computer

Introduction of Generations of Computer The evolution of computers is studied with generations of computer and is started in the 16th century and resulted in today’s modern machines. The present-day computer, however, has also undergone rapid change over the years.  Each new generation of computers is not only superior from Read more…


Linked List

Memory Allocation/Linked List Method’s Link        Introduction A linked list is also known as a ‘Self Referential Structure‘ because a member of the structure/node is declared as a pointer that points to the same (but another) structure/node in the list. The structure is the most appropriate data variable Read more…
