SQL Introduction & Features

Introduction SQL stands for ‘Structured Query Language’. SQL is pronounced as ‘Sequel’.  SQL statements are like simple English imperative sentence. Features SQL is a query language used to retrieve and manipulate data in various ways as per need of the programmer in a RDBMS. There are 5 common operations performed by the Read more…


SQL Keywords

            Currently Used SQL Keywords NB : SQL Keywords can be used as Identifiers in our query by putting them inside big bracket such as [ADD], [PERCENT], [ALL] etc.               ADD EXCEPT PERCENT ALL EXEC PLAN ALTER EXECUTE PRECISION Read more…


Super Global Variables in Php

Introduction The concept of Super global variables was introduced in/after PHP 4.1.0. The superglobal variables are also known as Global Variables/Automatic Globals. Definition Super global variables are pre-defined, built-in variables & are of global scopes and hence always accessible from any function, class, file, etc. Features These variables can be used Read more…


E-mail Sending Code in Php

Example : How to send email in Php using mail() fucnction [with Static data]. Example : How to send email in Php using mail() fucnction [with Dynamic data]. Example : How to send email in Php by mail() function using PHPMailer library file [with Dynamic data].
