BCA Final Project Certificates Forms/Proforma
Project Proforma (BCA) Project Guide Biodata Proforma Certificate of Originality (BCA) NB : ‘Certificate of Originality’ proforma is only used in the Project.
Project Proforma (BCA) Project Guide Biodata Proforma Certificate of Originality (BCA) NB : ‘Certificate of Originality’ proforma is only used in the Project.
LINKS FOR MORE DOS TRICKS History DOS (Disk Operating System) was developed by Microsoft Inc. and released it as IBM PC DOS (known as MS-DOS) for the first time on August 21, 1981, as MS-DOS 1.0, which was written by Tim Paterson. It was last updated in April 1994 when MS-DOS 6.22 Read more…
Introduction In graph theory, the shortest path problem is the problem of finding a path between two vertices/nodes (as source and destination) in a graph such that the sum of the weights/costs of its constituent edges route is minimized. The shortest path problem is considered as – The single-pair shortest path problem: It includes – The single-source shortest path problem, in which Read more…
Introduction of Minimum Cost Spanning Tree The minimum (Cost) Spanning Tree is also known as MST. Definition of MST A Spanning Tree (ST) is (actually derived from a graph) a tree (a connected graph without a cycle) that contains all the vertices of the graph. In other words, ST is Read more…
Introduction of Representation of Graph Graphs are believed to be a way of expressing relationships between pairs of items and are one of the most important abstractions in computer science. Definition The representation of a graph is a way to store graphical format inside the computer’s memory in the binary Read more…
Introduction of Traversal in Graph Traversal means the act or process of passing across, over, touching, or through and doing something with the data. A graph traversal technique visits every node exactly once in a systematic fashion. Definition Graph traversal is a process for accessing/searching all the vertices data values Read more…
Introduction The splay tree was introduced by Daniel Sleator and Robert Tarjan in 1985. Splay trees perform a splay operation, which is a combination of rotations and reorganizations, to move the accessed element to the root. Definition A splay tree is a self-adjusting binary search tree data structure that provides Read more…
Introduction of Red-Black Tree The red-Black tree is advanced and is a modified form of the Binary Search Tree. Definition A red-black tree is a self-balancing binary search tree that maintains balanced properties through the use of color annotations on its nodes i.e. every node is colored with either red Read more…
Introduction of AVL Tree The AVL tree is named after its two Soviet Union inventors, Georgy Adelson-Velsky and Evgenii Landis, who published it in their paper “An algorithm for the organization of information” in 1962. The AVL tree is also called Self Balancing BST. Tree Rotation : Tree rotation is an operation performed on an Read more…
Introduction of Binary Search Tree They are also called Ordered Binary Trees as each node in BST is placed according to a specific order. Definition A binary search tree is a non-linear, non-cyclic data structure and is an extension/type of binary tree that may be empty, or each node has Read more…