Fundamental of VB .Net

Introduction of Fundamentals of VB .Net Microsoft Visual Studio is a well-developed Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of Microsoft Incorporation which is used to develop console and graphical user interface applications along with Windows Forms applications, websites, web applications, web services, etc. Microsoft Visual Studio is called IDE because it consists of Read more…


.Net Framework Architecture

History of .Net Framework Architecture The Development of .Net Framework Architecture was started in 1998 by Microsoft Inc. Finally, in December, the first commercially stable forms came on the market in Feb 2002. Introduction of .Net Framework Architecture Microsoft has combined various modern as well as existing technologies of software Read more…


Misc. Codes in JS

Example : How to Use/Call External JavaScript file in an HTML Page. Example : How to move the cursor in the next HTML element/control/box by pressing Enter key/button [Enter Key Event]. Example : How to redirect/forward web page using Java Script [Redirect Page]. Example : A JS program/code segment to Refresh or Auto Refresh Read more…


JS Class & Objects

JS Classes In JavaScript, classes were introduced in ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) as a new way of defining objects and object-oriented programming. A class in JavaScript is a blueprint for creating objects with properties and methods. To create a class in JavaScript, the class keyword is used and followed by the Read more…


JS Functions

Definition Function is a named block of statements which can be executed/used as per need again and again in the program simply by writing its name and can return some value. Features It is useful in making a program modular and understandable. Parameters : The arguments received by the function Read more…


JS Events

Introduction JavaScript’s interaction with HTML is handled through various events that usually occur when the user or the browser manipulates a web page. Definition An event is an activity associated with certain manipulation occurring with a web page. Features Events are a part of the Document Object Model (DOM) Level Read more…


JS Array

Introduction In JavaScript, an array is a multivariant & linear container to store different types of data. Definition In JavaScript, an array is a data structure that can store a collection of values of any data type, including numbers, strings, booleans, objects, and other arrays at a contiguous location with Read more…
