ASP .Net
All Form Controls code in
/C#Example : All types of Controls on a Form using Bootstrap 4.5.2 in
/C#Example : All types of Controls on a Form using Bootstrap 4.5.2 in
Example : A password box with show/hide the contents using eyeicon. Example : A password box with show/hide the contents using checkbox. Example : A password box to validate at least one uppercase, lowercase, number and at least 10 characters.
Introduction Scheduling/Process/CPU Scheduling is a fundamental function of an operating system. Strictly, all computer resources are scheduled before use/processing properly. Since CPU is one of the primary/superior computer resources, therefore its scheduling is must and central. CPU scheduling is the basis of operating system which supports multiprogramming concepts. Definition In Read more…
Introduction Semaphores were introduced by Edsger Dijkstra and are commonly used in operating systems and concurrent programming. Definition Semaphores provide a mechanism for coordinating concurrent processes or threads and protecting shared resources from simultaneous access, thereby avoiding race conditions and ensuring orderly execution. In computer science, a semaphore is a Read more…
A critical section in an operating system is a section of code that must be executed automatically, i.e., it must be completed without interruption from other processes or threads. It cannot be interrupted by other threads or processes. In an operating system (OS), a critical section refers to a portion Read more…
Definition A Scheduler/Process Schedular is an operating system program (or module) that performs process scheduling i.e. selects/sets the next job to be submitted in the ready queue for execution. Features The main function/objective of a schedular is to process scheduling for processing the job. Types There are three types of Read more…
Introduction It is also called Process Table/Task Control Block/Switch Frame. Definition Process control block(PCB) is a data structure (actually in the form of array of structure) which contains several necessary information regarding the executing processes in tabular form. Features It is maintained by an OS automatically during program execution. A Read more…
Process State/Model : Introduction A process is defined as an entity . As we know that, a process is an independent entity which represents the basic unit of work to be implemented in the system and with its own input values, output values, and internal state. A process often needs Read more…
Project Proforma (MCA old- MCSP 060) Project Proforma (MCA new- MCSP 232) Project Guide Biodata Proforma (MCA old and new both) Certificate of Originality (MCA old & new) NB : ‘Certificate Read more…
Project Proforma (MCA Mini) Roles & Responsibility Form (MCA Mini) Certificate of Originality (MCA Mini) NB : ‘Certificate of Originality’ proforma is only used in the Project.