Notations for complexity

(A) Asymptotic Notations (n→∞): Asymptotic notations are used to express the running time of an algorithm in terms of function, whose domain is the set of natural numbers N={1,2,3,…..}. Such notations are convenient for describing the worst case running time function T(n). Asymptotic notation gives the rate of growth, i.e. Read more…


JS Interview Questions

Ques. : What is JavaScript? Ques. : Differenciate between Java and JS. Ques. : Which symbol is used for Comments in Javascript? Ques. : Which company developed JS? Ques. : Is JavaScript case sensitive? Ques. : What are the different data types present in JS? Ques. : Explain Hoisting in JS. Ques. : Is it possible to break Read more…


Token Bus/IEEE 802.4

Introduction Token bus was standardized by IEEE standard 802.4. Definition Token bus is a LAN network protocol that implemens a Token Ring protocol over a virtual ring on a coaxial cable(ethernet). Features The token bus is a distributed processing system.  Here, each node must know the address of its neighbour in Read more…
