Function in Php(Examples)

Example: A Php program to show output using a user-defined function[UDF](No Argument-No Return). Example: A Php program to show output using a user-defined function(With Argument-No Return). Example: A Php program to show output using a user-defined function(No Argument-with Return). Example: A Php program to show output using a user-defined function(with Read more…



Definition Pseudo-code is a compact and informal high-level description of a computer programming algorithm that uses the structural conventions of some programming language. Pseudocode is a kind of structured English for describing algorithms in an easily readable and modular form. This helps in describing how the system will solve the given problem. Read more…


Python Home(Theory)

Common Settings & Configurations in Pycharm *** All the Python programs are tested on Pycharm Professional 2022.1/2023.1. *** To create a new. Py file using Pycharm to write and run the Python program – File menu – New Project – Pure Python – Name the Project(pythonProject1) – Create – This Read more…
