Introduction of VPN VPN stands for ‘Virtual Private Network’. The concept of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) has its roots in the 1990s when businesses began to realize the need for secure remote access to their internal networks. In 1996, Microsoft developed the PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) protocol, which was Read more…



Introduction of Cryptography Cryptography has been used for centuries, from ancient civilizations that used secret codes and ciphers to protect their messages, to modern-day applications that rely on advanced mathematical algorithms and techniques. With the increasing reliance on digital communication and the rapid growth of the internet, cryptography has become more Read more…


Intellectual Property

Introduction of Intellectual Property In most countries, Intellectual property (IP) is protected by laws and regulations, and violating these laws can lead to legal action and penalties. The proper management and protection of IP are crucial for individuals and companies to safeguard their ideas and maintain their competitive advantage. Definition  Read more…


Function in Php

Introduction Functions are essential building blocks of any PHP program, hence called Backbone part of Php, as they help to break down complex tasks into simpler & smaller ones. Definition A function is a sub-program/block of codes of a (complete) program that can be used repeatedly by the developer inside Read more…


String in Php

Introduction The string is the core-components part of Php for creating and manipulating strings in various ways. Definition A string is a sequence of characters of arbitrary length. Characteristics String literals/contents are denoted by either single or double quotes. For example – ‘Employee’ or “Employee” or “512” or ‘512’. To Read more…


Array in Php

Introduction of Array in Php It’s one of the most popular, simple, linear and static data structures. Definition of Array in Php PHP array is a storage that holds multiple values of similar type in a single variable. Features of Array in Php An array holds a group of values. We can Read more…


Control Statements in Php

Control statements in Php are code statements used to control the flow of execution of a program based on certain conditions or criteria. PHP provides various types of control statements, including: Types of Control Statements in Php Conditional/Decision Control Statements in Php: Conditional statements allow the execution of specific code Read more…


Operators in Php

Introduction Expression: An expression is a bit of code that can be evaluated to produce an output value. The simplest expressions are literal values and variables. A literal value evaluates itself, while a variable evaluates to the value stored in the variable. Definition An operator is a symbol that takes Read more…
