Transformations in Graphics

Introduction of Transformations in Graphics Transformations allow for a wide range of creative possibilities in graphics design and animation. Definition of Transformations in Graphics Transformations is a technique used to modify the appearance and position of graphical objects, such as images, shapes, and text.  In Graphics, transformation refers to the Read more…


Coordinate System

Introduction of Coordinate System It is one of the basic and mathematical concepts to locate or identify the object’s position in space. Definition of Coordinate System A coordinate system is a mathematical system used to determine or describe the position or location of an object or point in space. A coordinate Read more…


Cyber Crime

Introduction of Cyber Crime Cyber crime can have devastating consequences for individuals and organizations, including financial losses, reputational damage, and even physical harm. As such, it is essential to take steps to prevent and combat cybercrime, including investing in cybersecurity measures and staying vigilant against online threats. Definition of Cyber Crime Read more…


Exception Handling

Introduction of Exception Handling in VB .net Exception: An Exception, in OOP programming, is a hidden, unwanted, abnormal unexpected, or exceptional event that occurs during the execution of a program and interrupts the normal flow of the program. When a program encounters an exception, it stops executing the current code block Read more…


Class and Object Examples

Example : A Class and Object Examples in VB .NET program using Subroutine in Console Application. Example : A VB .Net program to demonstrate Private Methods using a Console application. Example : A VB .Net program to demonstrate Shared Variables using a Console application. Example: A VB .NET program to Read more…


Class & Object in Php

Introduction Class and Object are one of the most important features of OOPs. Definition Class A class is simply a template for objects. A class is created by using the ‘class’ keyword, followed by the name of the class and a pair of curly braces ({}). All the properties/variables and methods/functions Read more…


Error & its Type in Php

Introduction Error is one of the major hindrances in the programming world. The error is generated in the program mainly due to incorrect or partial/incomplete knowledge of programming languages syntax.  Definition An error is one or more faults or mistakes in a Php program that may be caused by writing Read more…
